Thursday, August 7, 2014

Top 10 Movie Shootouts

Top 10 Movie Shootouts
May contain some spoilers!

Let's be honest, who doesn't love a good gunfight in the movies. Movie shootouts are some of the most fun parts of lots of movies. And when executed properly they can be a work of art. This list is devoted to my top 10 best movie shootouts. No rules as long as all sides have guns it goes, no time limits or entity limits, nothing. Let the bullets fly!

#10. Rambo (2008)
This is more of a massacre than a shootout to a point. When Rambo's new friends are just about to be executed, Rambo jumps onto a .50 cal machine gun mounted on the back of a jeep and starts to lay waste to some baddies. There is so much on screen carnage it is almost hard to tell what is going on, but this is a awesome blood drenched gunfight.
Body Count: I didn't know numbers went that high.
Best Kill: Alright kills, rambo turns the machine gun towards a truck full of nameless minions and unloads as the truck erupts into blood.

#9. No Country for Old Men (2007)
This one is extremely scary as it is awesome. For you don't get to see Javier Bardem to it is almost over. It is the second motel shootout in the movie. But this is an expertly shot gunfight, for gunfire comes out of nowhere when you least expect it. Never sure if Josh Brolin just got away or more gun shots are yet to come. This is not only awesome but scary, makes the scene extra cool.
Body Count: 1
Best Kill: Poor dude, the only one to die in the scene has to be the best kill in the scene by default.

#8. Terminator (1984)
Man those cops don't stand a chance. Arnie walks in to the station (well...more or less drives in) and starts destroying cops. Walks from room to room, office to office mowing cops down. Such a classic scene, and for good reason, it's just plain awesome. 
Body Count: At least 22 but there is sure a lot of gunfire off screen.
Best Kill: Anytime Arnie one arms the shotgun.

#7. Hard Boiled (1992)
That tracking shot. Over two minutes of chaos and death with a nice little elevator ride in the middle. These two guys go on a rampage against a gang hidden in a hospital, and boy do they do some damage. So impressive due to the amazing camera work and practical effects.
Body Count: Are there that many people in China?
Best Kill: The up close and personal pistol shots.

#6. Scarface (1983)
The glorious and blood filled end to Tony Montana. Everybody knows the line "Say Hello to my little friend!" and boy does it come from an epic scene. This is how to make an exit in the movies, frenzied, coke-infused, blaze of glory and death. I'm finding it hard to think of a better movie character exit than Tony Montana.
Body Count: At least 22.
Best Kill: The big man himself.

#5. The Untouchables (1987)
The train station, a baby carriage, a bunch of gangsters, and two cops. A recipe for an epic and classic gun fight. Elliot Ness and his partner have to get Al Capone's book keeper but he is guarded, and of course some woman is having trouble getting her baby up the stairs. Well Elliot Ness is a police officer so he has to help her, at least until he pulls a shotgun out and owns some unnamed gangster.
Body Count: 8 with civilians.
Best Kill: Andy Garcia throws a pistol to Kevin Costner and they both catch the baby carriage at the perfect moment as Kevin Costner shoots the gangster coming around the corner just in time.

#4. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (1967)
As far as Mexican stand offs go in movies, this is the best, its also one of the best shootouts in films. A three way mexican stand-off across a courtyard for the name of tomb which a bunch of gold is buried in. For a few minutes all that happens is shots of the three men, their guns, and their eyes before anything happens. And as the audience you wait there on the edge of your seat wondering, when are they going to go, the suspense in this scene is unbelievable. Super cool scene definitely deserves spot number 4.
Body Count: 1
Best Kill: Like No Country for Old Men this shootout only has one kill in it, but unlike No Country for Old Men this kill is awesome, I cheer every time it happens.

#3. Taxi Driver (1976)
Travis Bickle heads off to save Iris from Sport and some pimps. Armed with his arsenal and his mohawk, Travis takes matters into his own hands and has to rescue the prostitute from her low life flesh merchants. The shootout is horrifying and brilliant and is one of the best ever made. From a technical standpoint it was very challenging, at least that's what said in the extras. But also on screen the carnage puts you in the hallways with Travis. My god this scene is challenging, this guy could have gunned down a crowd of civilians, and almost killed a presidential candidate. But instead he goes and kills a bunch of pimps and is called a hero. Very dark and very challenging. This is an amazing scene from an amazing movie. 
Body Count: 3
Best Kill: Travis gets to use his hidden sliding arm pistol thing, and tests it out on a guy's face.

#2. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
This one is awesome for many reasons, but the best is how it leaves the scene (and technically the movie). Butch and Sundance are down in Bolivia and robbing banks. Well things go south while they are in town and all the police force and probably half of Bolivia's army show up to put a stop to them. Held up in a building they try to figure out how to get out, only to end up running out the front door guns blasting. That freeze frame at the end with the gun shots, amazing. 
Body Count: 15 at least, that is not counting Butch and Sundance.
Best Kill: The ones you don't see, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid immortalized forever in Cinema with that last shot. 

#1. Heat (1995)
Those seven minutes after the bank job are glorious. The best shootout ever put in a movie, follows Robert De Niro and crew as they attempt to get away from Al Pacino and the police. Everything about this one scene is amazing, from the attention to details like the bullet holes riddling the cop cars to the sound. Oh, lets talk about the sound, Heat has the best gunshot sounds of any movie ever. They are loud and intimidating. The sound in this scene is perfect, so amazing. An epic shootout through the streets of LA as Robert De Niro leads the get away. I cannot recommend this movie enough to anyone, go watch it for the sound alone if you must, but watch it for the epic story, the epic acting, the epic sound, the epic everything, and don't forget the shootout. By far the single greatest shootout ever put to film.
Body Count: 9 on screen, but with all the lead that is flying around, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a few more people got hit off screen.
Best Kill: Al Pacino takes out Tom Sizemore with a single well aimed headshot.

Well there we go, my top 10 movie shootouts. If you think I missed one or something else should be on the list instead of what I had, let me know. Hope you enjoyed!

Alright real quick I wish to apologize for my poor writing on Taxi Driver. I simply do not know how to logically talk about how good this movie is and in words cannot express my appreciation and love for Taxi Driver. If I made it seem as if it is too disturbing or I do not like it, nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact Taxi Driver is my favorite movie, so I do love it and I love it a lot. I just feel as if my writing on it couldn't convey the brilliance of that scene or the movie as a whole. Sorry for that if I made it seem like that. 


  1. Love this list. I dig all of these shootouts, but I admittedly haven't seen that modern Rambo. Given what you said about the kill count, I probably need to see that flick ASAP. Ha. Also love that you made room for patient, smart shootouts like the ones in No Country and The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

    1. The newest Rambo isn't all that good of a film, pretty short and not well written or very interesting. But the shootout at the end is just epic. Also as much as the chaotic death filled shootouts, the longer and more tension filled gunfights are just as good. In general I find them more well written and to be better filmed, its just they can't beat Heat or Butch and Sundance (I think Taxi Driver may fall under the more tension filled and patient shootouts, at least it doesn't have a massive killcount).
