Thursday, April 9, 2015

Top 15 Films of the 2010s (so far)

Top 15 Films of the 2010s (so far)

Apparently we are over halfway through the 2010s. And every time a decade is over, it's a big time for movies, it's time to look back on the best of the last decade, and compare the decade to others in terms of film. Even though it isn't the end of the decade, it is half way done. A good milestone to look back on what is the best so far (as per my opinion) for this decade.

And this list idea comes from brilliant Alex Withrow, the author behind the phenomenal blog And so it Begins. So special thanks to him, go check out his blog.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2015 Oscar Reactions

2015 Oscar Reactions

Well another year down. I legitimately enjoyed most of the Oscars this year. They did a pretty good job and got some categories right...but of course they also got some wrong. This post I'm just going to ramble about what I liked and didn't like about the 2015 Oscars. So let's get started!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

2014 Oscar Predictions

Oscar Predictions

In here I'll go through the oscar nominations and select which one I think will win. I've seen almost everything, but I haven't seen quite everything for the performances, so part of the selection is just word of mouth and what I've read on them. This post also includes what I like to call my "Pretty Please" list. Every year I like to make two lists, my actual Oscar predictions and a list for what I want to win. Often times, they aren't remotely similar, which is a little saddening, but what are you going to do. So this list is both my actual predictions and the Pretty Please list.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Top 10 Favorite Films of 2014

Top 10 Favorite Films of 2014

2014 was a great year for film. It was really my first year to fully explore the films of the year and be allowed to. Since I turned 17, I  allowed to go to the theaters and watch R-rated movies I previously would have needed an adult to get me in. And I gotta say, I enjoyed this year in film, a good one to start and not be hindered by restrictions (I also got a car! I can drive to the theaters as well!). Below are my 10 favorites movies of last year. Not a lot of blockbusters, but again I was free to explore other types of films that previously just wasn't possible.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Foxcatcher Review

Foxcatcher Review

What I'm about to say should speak very highly of this film. Whenever I watch Goodfellas right before anything, that anything that comes after seems really awful in comparison. I watched Foxcatcher a few days ago after showing by brother Goodfellas for the first time. In hindsight, I should probably never do that again for any film, but Foxcatcher still managed to be one of my favorite films of last year despite having a handicap that I placed on it. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Badass Movie Moment: Heat Armored Car

Badass Movie Moment: The Armored Car

Heat is by far one of my favorite films of all time. I love everything about it, from the loud to the quiet scenes, from the night to the day, from the acting to the sound, everything. Where the scene I'm going to talk about here is not my absolute favorite in the film, the title of this series idea is Badass Movie Moment. And that's what this scene is, badass. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

An Apology, and Some Changes

Allow me to say I'm sorry. I know I haven't been a good blogger for quite a while, I haven't posted in about 2 months. One thing I will say in my defence, college and scholarship applications have been due and have spent the last two months of my life working on them (God, they really are awful). So there's going to be some changes. I have (finally) made my New Year's Resolution, and that is to take better care of this blog. From now on I will be posting at least twice a week. I may create some series for the blog (I had a good idea yesterday), and plan to be more interactive.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Top 5 Movie Inside Jokes

5 Movie Inside jokes

So, I think inside joke is the proper term here. These are five moments that made me laugh at how genius they are. They all involve something carrying over from one film to another. If you haven't seen both it's almost impossible to understand, but when you do find and get one, it's a awesome feeling. And, real quick, there is a TV show entry on here. I couldn't resist, seeing as it is my favorite show and one of my favorite movies that have the inside joke, so forgive me.

Monday, November 3, 2014

My Bechdel Test Theory

So today in my AP English Language class we talked about the Bechdel Test. For any of you who don't know the Bechdel test is a list of 3 criteria that have to be passed in order to pass the test for any given film. Those three criteria are:

1. Have at least 2 women, by name in the film.
2. Those two women have to talk to each other.
3. And talk about something besides a man.

We wrote down our favorite film at the beginning of class, and now are supposed to write a blog on our favorite film and how it does with the Bechdel Test.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Ida Review

Ida Review

The other day, the local indie film theater near me started to play a small Polish film. I was told I should go see it and not to look up anything too big about it. So I followed the advice and went in almost completely blind. Really so many movie are better going in with no prior knowledge of what is going to happen, and this one is no exception.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Original The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Review

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Review

Seeing as it's the 40th anniversary of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it seems only appropriate to review it. So how to talk about a horror film staple that has defined the genre of horror movies ever sense it was released? What can I say that hasn't been said before? Well I have a pretty simple answer to that, I thought after seeing plenty of what are considered the scariest horror films of all time I knew exactly what I was getting into the first time I saw The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I couldn't have been more wrong.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Top 10 Tarantino Characters

Top 10 Quentin Tarantino Characters

I cannot think of another writer who every character they write is perfect, besides Quentin Tarantino. I truly believe Tarantino has never made a bad character. That being said this was an extremely hard list to create, I mean I had so many characters to choose from. These are the ten that Tarantino has both written and directed that I believe are his best writing and directing examples. So sorry Natural Born Killers you are out of this.