Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2015 Oscar Reactions

2015 Oscar Reactions

Well another year down. I legitimately enjoyed most of the Oscars this year. They did a pretty good job and got some categories right...but of course they also got some wrong. This post I'm just going to ramble about what I liked and didn't like about the 2015 Oscars. So let's get started!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

2014 Oscar Predictions

Oscar Predictions

In here I'll go through the oscar nominations and select which one I think will win. I've seen almost everything, but I haven't seen quite everything for the performances, so part of the selection is just word of mouth and what I've read on them. This post also includes what I like to call my "Pretty Please" list. Every year I like to make two lists, my actual Oscar predictions and a list for what I want to win. Often times, they aren't remotely similar, which is a little saddening, but what are you going to do. So this list is both my actual predictions and the Pretty Please list.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Top 10 Favorite Films of 2014

Top 10 Favorite Films of 2014

2014 was a great year for film. It was really my first year to fully explore the films of the year and be allowed to. Since I turned 17, I  allowed to go to the theaters and watch R-rated movies I previously would have needed an adult to get me in. And I gotta say, I enjoyed this year in film, a good one to start and not be hindered by restrictions (I also got a car! I can drive to the theaters as well!). Below are my 10 favorites movies of last year. Not a lot of blockbusters, but again I was free to explore other types of films that previously just wasn't possible.